The Red Mars Trilogy

In celebration of the iconic sci-fi series' 25th anniversary, I redesigned the book covers to be more modern and thematic, all the while hinting at the story within.

Graphic Design Illustration

About the Trilogy

This book series captivated me for a long time with its diverse crew of characters, intricately described landscapes, and the dream of exploring beyond our planet (but also probably because each one was 500+ pages). As the 25th anniversary of this iconic sci-fi trilogy came up, I wanted to celebrate in my own little way: with a redesign of the book covers.

The Solution

This refresh needed to be modern, bright, and of course, full of references for long-time fans. After finding the main plot point of each book, I illustrated these scenes in a minimal, geometric style, with a pop of color corresponding to the book’s title.

Mockup of the Red Mars Book cover
Mockup of the Green Mars Book cover
Mockup of the Blue Mars Book cover